What Your Past Lives Want to Show You

Earth is one big school, where we come, in human form, to learn lessons. We come not once, but many times. However many times it takes for us to progress spiritually to a level where we can exist in pure love and bliss.

Sometimes we come back to earth to pay back karma for wrongs done in previous lives, so rest assured that that ex who heaped shit on you will be back one day at the other end of the shovel.

Sometimes we come back to experience a life of hardship or trauma to learn about suffering or sacrifice and therefore further advance the soul.

When you live a life full of love and happiness, you are likely there to teach others, to help others heal, or perhaps learn about gratitude and service.

Each time your soul comes back to earth, you choose the life you are going to enter.

People ask me why would a soul choose to come back to earth to live a horrible life of trauma, disease, or despair. My answer is that your soul knows the rewards coming from living the life in terms of spiritual advancement. It also knows that time only exists here on earth, so your soul knows that, while on earth a hard life may seem long and difficult, in cosmic terms, earthly life is but a flash of light.

I know this because for many years psychiatrists, physicians, scientists, hypnotherapists, researchers, and others have been documenting peoples’ journeys to their past lives. Through therapy, deep-state meditation, and near-death experiences we have heard thousands of accounts of souls passing through the veil and visiting a past, and sometimes future, experience.

In hypnotherapy, I take you to a deep meditative state. You are not asleep, but your brain waves slow enough that your ego-self, that left-brain-driven self that doubts and fears, surrenders, allowing your subconscious to draw up memories that are normally suppressed.

Why visit your past lives? Well, first, what fun! Who doesn’t want to know if they were a warrior in ancient Rome or a gold-miner in the Wild West? An Egyptian princess or a Peruvian servant?

But entertainment value aside, visiting your past lives is tremendously healing. In my first past-life regression, I learned I was a boy, possibly in Egypt, living in a mud hut in a time of conflict. I was afraid of my father, who was sending me out on a mission that I was terrified to carry out. It was fascinating to observe this drama as a visitor, but I was also able to relate it to my present-day life. It helped me understand the source of fear I had experienced in this life.

Your subconscious knows why you chose to live this life, and what you are here to learn. If you give it the chance, it will allow you to revisit past lives that it knows will help you on your path to spiritual enlightenment.

The healing isn’t limited to your psychological self. Many people experience healing of physical issues that are a result of the body hanging on to old injuries, both physical and psychological. The body stores trauma, and without healing, it can pass on and on throughout multiple lifetimes.

Maybe that mysterious pain that comes and goes in your shoulder started when you lost a duel to Blackbeard in the West Indies.

Many believe that the veil between dimensions is thinning, making it easier for us to access the subconscious, also called our higher selves, or, collectively, the divine energy we call God or source. This will continue for those who seek healing, those who wish to expand their light in a spirit of love, and without fear. If you’re ready to find out what your past lives have to show you, let’s talk!


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